Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /data/8/d/8d2dae14-1cb3-48ae-8c48-461fae762d70/ on line 594
Etomite 1.1 Prelude

Redak?n� syst�m Etomite, zdarma

« Error »

Etomite encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« PHP Parse Error »
PHP error debug
  Error: Use of undefined constant utf8 - assumed 'utf8' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) 
  Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2 
  File: /data/8/d/8d2dae14-1cb3-48ae-8c48-461fae762d70/ 
  Line: 1324 
  Line 1324 source: if ($this->config['etomite_charset'] === "UTF-8") { mysqli_set_charset($this->rs, utf8); }  
Parser timing
  MySQL: 0.0000 s s(0 Requests)
  PHP: 0.0177 s s 
  Total: 0.0177 s s